Combined Location Set Covering Model and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Emergency Medical Service Assessment


  • Abdul-Baset Ahmed Department of Mechanical Engineering, Libyan Academy-Misrata, 2449 Misrata, Libya Author
  • Ibrahim Badi Department of Mechanical Engineering, Libyan Academy-Misrata, 2449 Misrata, Libya Author
  • Mouhamed Bayane Bouraima Sichuan College of Architectural Technology, Deyang Campus, 618000, PR China Author



EMS; AHP; LSCM; response time; MCDM


Arranging medical resources under emergency needs is a crucial aspect of emergency management. This paper presents a hybrid model that integrates a combined location set covering model and analytics hierarchy process (AHP) method. The model aims to evaluate the existing medical resource situation, provide multiple scenarios, and assist emergency decision-makers in making the appropriate choice. An analysis of the current situation in the study area shows that the coverage rate of the current emergency stations is 98% in the 10-minute response time and 57% in the five-minute response time. This means that there is a part of the area that is not covered in these two spans of times. Using the proposed model, a minimum number of stations is obtained; i.e. three stations with a response time of 10 minutes as well as eight stations with a response time of five minutes with a coverage rate of 100% of the total area of the city. The second scenario is obtained by adding one center with a response time of 10 minutes, and six additional stations with a response time of five minutes to cover 100% of the study area. After obtaining the three scenarios, AHP is used to obtain the best decision considering five criteria. 


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How to Cite

Ahmed, A.-B., Badi, I., & Bouraima, M. B. (2024). Combined Location Set Covering Model and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Emergency Medical Service Assessment. Spectrum of Engineering and Management Sciences, 2(1), 110-121.