Assessing the Problems Encountered by Companies Using E-logistics via a Polytopic Fuzzy Methodology: A Case of Giresun Province
Logistics, E-Logistics, Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Polytopic Fuzzy SetsAbstract
Manufacturing companies are always competing because of globalization, both in terms of sectoral level and meeting customer demands. Companies that want to gain competitive advantages want to offer the best quality products and services at the most affordable cost and aim to deliver them to the end consumer by creating added value. This requirement and flexibility level can only be achieved through logistics applications. Businesses that provide efficiency and speed in logistics applications take a few steps forward in market conditions and respond to customer needs on time. It has become a necessity to use electronic-based systems in logistics applications, especially to meet customer requirements. Information communication-based electronic business has also changed the methods and models of doing business for its users. Internet technology has caused businesses to change their business models and practices, along with their production and service structures. Developments in e-commerce and technology have brought e-logistics applications to the forefront and made it necessary to emphasize them. Because e-logistics applications are important for facilitating business operations and increasing performance and customer satisfaction, they also eliminate distances in world trade and offer access to markets that are difficult to access. There are various problems in e-logistics applications and it is important to identify them. In this context, the problems faced by businesses using e-logistics become critical and one of the components that need to be meticulously emphasized. According to the results of the study, it is understood that the most important e-logistics barriers in enterprises are "lack of skill to manage digital technologies to support the system" and "need for qualified personnel". It is obvious that the results will guide business managers.
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