Decision-Making for the Bakery Product Transportation using Linear Programming
Transportation problem, decision-making, operational NWCM research model, optimal solution, various analytical methods (VAM), Analytical MethodsAbstract
This research paper presents a case study of a food chain in Pakistan that aims to transport its bakery products from the manufacturing unit in Islamabad to remote northern regions of the country while minimizing the total cost of distribution and transportation. The study employs various analytical methods, including linear programming, network optimization, and simulation modelling, to identify the optimal transportation solution that considers geographical barriers, infrastructural limitations, seasonal fluctuations, and regulatory constraints. The research delves into the underlying factors that contribute to the complexity and challenges of delivering goods to remote areas and explores the potential benefits of adopting a more holistic and integrated approach to transportation management. The study provides valuable insights and actionable recommendations for the Pakistani food chain and contributes to the broader field of transportation and logistics management.
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