MCDM Methods for Selection of Handling Equipment in Logistics: A Brief Review
MCDM methods; Handling equipment; LogisticsAbstract
This review considers the application of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods in the evaluation process of handling equipment in logistics. In order to present a current review of research papers, 21 articles, published in the period from 2010 to date, were analyzed. All research papers were searched using the Google scholar web search engine. This paper presents various MCDM methods used to select equipment such as forklifts, cranes, conveyors, AGVs (automatically guided vehicles), AMRs (autonomous mobile robots), reach stackers both in warehouses, ports, city logistics and in intermodal transport. The results of research papers published in various journals related to the application of MCDM methods including AHP, MABAC, SWARA, ARAS, FUCOM, CRITIC, MARCOS and various fuzzy methods were also analyzed. As the studies analyzed in the paper has been published from 2010 to the present, this indicates the importance and relevance of this area of research. The purpose of this paper is to encourage additional research in this area and to provide a brief summary of the most recent studies in this field. The results of the paper showed that the most used handling equipment was the conveyor.
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