Marketing Management and Online User Behavior: A Comprehensive Review and Prospects for Future Research




Marketing Management, Bibliometric Analysis, Online User Behavior, VOSviewer


Over the past few years, digital technologies have exerted widespread influence on the business models, products, services, market structures, and consumer behavior of companies. This phenomenon has significantly enhanced the rejuvenation of relationships among companies, markets, and consumers, consequently impacting various marketing mix components. However, with today’s fiercely competitive digital landscape, understanding the evolution of research on digital marketing management and online users’ behavior, most influential studies as well as its interrelation with disciplines can provide valuable insights for e-business. Therefore, this study considered conducting a comprehensive review using a bibliometric technique for 282 high-quality papers collected from the Web of Science. The study uncovered that "user acceptance, user-generated content, quality and satisfaction, and planned behavior" received little attention. Thus, future research can examine them.


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How to Cite

Önden, A. (2024). Marketing Management and Online User Behavior: A Comprehensive Review and Prospects for Future Research. Spectrum of Engineering and Management Sciences, 2(1), 56-69.

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