Optimized Task Deployment in Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling-Enabled Network-on-Chip Systems: Enhancing Energy Efficiency and Real-Time Responsiveness
Multi-Core Design, Real-Time Operating System, Network-on-Chip, Offloading, Scheduling EfficiencyAbstract
In modern multi-design computing systems, which employ dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) and network-on-chip (NoC) communications, the optimization of task deployment is precarious for enhancing overall system performance. It introduces a comprehensive methodology that integrates task allocation, scheduling, frequency management, redundancy handling, and diverse data routing approaches. The aim is to optimize energy intake, real-time responsiveness, and system heftiness. The system design features a primary processing element associated with three slave computing units (CUs) within a 2D mesh network, with the primary CU connected to a co-processor for dependent task scheduling. This research also proposes innovative algorithms for co-processor and real-time operating system (RTOS) scheduling to reduce latency and boost power efficiency. These methodologies aim to maximize job scheduling efficiency in RTOS environments, thus refining overall system performance.
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