An Implementation of the Entropy Method for Determining Weighing Coefficients in a Multicriteria Optimization of Public Procurements




Multicriteria decision making, Determining criteria weighs, Entropy, Public procurements


Determining the weights of criteria is a key problem in multicriteria analysis models. The problem of choosing an appropriate method of determining criteria weights in problems of multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) is a very important stage. Most authors suggest classifying the models of determining the weights of criteria into subjective and objective models. This paper presents the application of the Entropy method for determining criteria weights. The Entropy method is tested in the MCDM problem in public procurements. The results show that the Entropy method shouldn't be used as a correction method because in most cases, the decision maker Also shows that applying the Entropy method in MCDM problems for determining weighing coefficients can be counterproductive.


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How to Cite

Žižović, M., & Albijanić, M. (2025). An Implementation of the Entropy Method for Determining Weighing Coefficients in a Multicriteria Optimization of Public Procurements. Spectrum of Engineering and Management Sciences, 3(1), 28-44.

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